

发布时间:2017-12-01 浏览次数: 8301

姓名:黄华军  职称:副教授(校聘青年教授)







黄华军,男,198612月生,国土资源与环境学院副院长,博士,副教授,硕导入选江西农业大学第六批“未来之星”(2014-2018)和第三批“青年教授”(2018-2022)特殊人才岗位,入选江西省“青年井冈学者”奖励计划(2018年度,2019-2023),荣获江西农业大学教学成果奖二等奖1项。主要从事固体废弃物资源化利用研究,以第一作者或等同第一作者和通讯作者身份发表SCI论文32篇,中文核心论文4篇,英文学术专著2篇,授权发明专利4项。其中,7篇论文入选ESI高被引论文,1篇论文入选ESI热点论文,影响因子大于10.0的论文2篇,分别发表在Progress in Energy and Combustion Science29.394及《Chemical Engineering Journal(13.273)。主持各类科研课题6项:国家自然科学基金1项(青年基金),结题;江西省自然科学基金2项,青年基金结题,面上项目在研;江西省教育厅科学技术研究课题1项,现已结题;湖南省教育厅研究生创新项目1项,现已结题。














[1] 湖南省研究生科研创新研究计划,污水厂污泥液化过程中重金属的迁移和转化规律研究, 2012-2014CX2012B139

[2] 江西省教育厅科学技术研究项目(青年科学基金),污泥液化生物炭对赣中地区酸性土壤环境的影响机制,2014.01-2016.12GJJ14320

[3] 江西省自然科学基金(青年科学基金),污水厂污泥与稻草/木屑共液化制取生物油的研究, 2015.01-2017.12 20151BAB213024

[4] 国家自然科学基金(青年科学基金),污水厂污泥水热液化过程中多环芳烃的转化效应与机制,2018.01-2020.1221707056

[5] 江西省自然科学基金(面向项目),基于“乙醇-水”混合溶剂高效液化猪粪制取生物油和生物炭的研究, 2019.01-2021.12 20192BAB203019



[1] Yu-jie Wang*, Yi Yu, Hua-jun Huang#, Cheng-long Yu, Han-sun Fang, Chun-huo Zhou, Xin Yin, Wei-hua, Chen, Xin-chun Guo#. Efficient conversion of sewage sludge into hydrochar by microwave-assisted hydrothermal carbonization. Science of The Total Environment (SCI 2020 IF=7.963), 2022, 803, 149874. 2022.01


[1] Jiang-bo Xiong *,#, Shuai-wei Chen, Jia-xin Wang, Yu-jie Wang, Xiao-lin, Fang, Hua-jun Huang#. Speciation of main nutrients (N/P/K) in hydrochars produced from the hydrothermal carbonization of swine manure under different reaction temperatures. Materials (SCI 2020 IF=3.623), 2021, 14(15), 4114. 2021. 07

[2] Yan-chao Chang*, Xiao-feng Xiao, Hua-jun Huang#, Yuan-dong Xiao, Han-sun Fang, Jin-bao He, Chun-huo Zhou #. Transformation characteristics of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons during hydrothermal liquefaction of sewage sludge. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids (SCI 2020 IF=4.577), 2021, 170, 105158. 2021. 04

[3] Lijian Leng, Lihong Yang, Jie Chen, Yingbing Hu, Hailong Li, Hui Li, Shaojian Jiang, Haoyi Peng, Xingzhong Yuan, Huajun Huang#, Valorization of the aqueous phase produced from wet and dry thermochemical processing biomass: A review, Journal of Cleaner Production(SCI 2020 IF=9.297), 2021, 126238. 2021.04

[4] Lijian Leng *, Qin Xiong *, Lihong Yang, Hui Li, Yaoyu Zhou, Weijin Zhang, Shaojian Jiang, Hailong Li, Huajun Huang #. An overview on engineering the surface area and porosity of biochar. Science of The Total Environment (SCI 2020 IF=7.963), 763, 2021, 144204. 2021.04 高被引论文


[1] Lijian Leng *, Weijin Zhang, Haoyi Peng, Hailong Li #, Shaojian Jiang, Huajun Huang #. Nitrogen in bio-oil produced from hydrothermal liquefaction of biomass: A review. Chemical Engineering Journal (SCI 2020 IF=13.273), 2020, 401, 126030. 2020.12 高被引论文

[2] Lijian Leng *, Weijin Zhang, Songqi Leng, Jie Chen, Lihong Yang, Hailong Li #, Shaojian Jiang, Huajun Huang #. Bioenergy recovery from wastewater produced by hydrothermal processing biomass: Progress, challenges, and opportunities. Science of The Total Environment (SCI 2020 IF=7.963), 748, 2020, 142383. 2020.12

[3] Jia-xin Wang*, Pin Liu#, Fa-ying Lai, Hua-jun Huang #. Pyrolysis of different sewage sludge feedstocks for biochar products: characterization and application. Journal of Central South University (SCI 2020 IF=1.716), 2020, 27(11): 3302-3319. 2020.11

[4] Lijian Leng *, Lihong Yang, Jiefeng Chen, Songqi Leng, Hailong Li, Hui Li, Xingzhong Yuan, Wenguang Zhou, Huajun Huang #. A review on pyrolysis of protein-rich biomass: Nitrogen transformation. Bioresource Technology(SCI 2020 IF=9.642), 315, 2020, 123801. 2020.11

[5] Xiao-feng Xiao *, Yan-chao Chang, Fa-ying Lai, Han-sun Fang#, Chun-fei Zhou, Zi-qian Pan, Jia-xin Wang, Yu-jie Wang, Xin Yin, Hua-jun Huang #. Effects of rice straw/wood sawdust addition on the transport/conversion behaviors of heavy metals during the liquefaction of sewage sludge. Journal of Environmental Management (SCI 2020 IF=6.789), 2020, 270, 110824. 2020.09

[6] Jia-xin Wang *, Shuai-wei Chen, Fa-ying Lai, Shi-yu Liu #, Jiang-bo Xiong, Chun-fei Zhou, Yi-Yu, Hua-jun Huang#. Microwave-assisted hydrothermal carbonization of pig feces for the production of hydrochar. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids (SCI 2020 IF=4.577), 2020, 162, 104858. 2020.08

[7] Lijian Leng *, Siyu Xu, Renfeng Liu, Ting Yu, Ximeng Zhuo, Songqi Leng, Qin Xiong, Huajun Huang#. Nitrogen-containing functional groups of biochar: an overview. Bioresource Technology (SCI 2020 IF=9.642), 2020, 298: 122286. 2020.02 高被引论文

[8] 潘紫倩*, 黄华军#, 何小武, 肖晓峰, 王佳欣, 李凯, 杨唐仪. 污泥液化生物炭对亚甲基蓝的吸附特性及机理研究. 中国环境科学, 2020, 40, (1): 217-226. 2020.01

[9] Chun-huo Zhou *, Hua-jun Huang #, Lin Li, Zi-qian Pan, Xiao-feng Xiao, Jia-xin Wang. Advances in hydrothermal carbonization of livestock manure. Sustainable Green Chemical Process and their Allied Applications, edited by Inamuddin, M. Phil. and Abdullah Asiri, Springer International Publishing, 2020, 183-205. 2020.057


[1] Zi-qian Pan *, Hua-jun Huang #, Chun-fei Zhou, Fa-ying Lai, Xiao-wu He #, Jiang-bo Xiong, Xiao-feng Xiao. Distribution and transformation behaviors of heavy metals during the liquefaction process of sewage sludge in ethanol-water mixed solvents. Journal of Central South University (SCI 2020 IF=1.716), 2019, 26(10)2771-2784. 2019.10

[2] Jiang-bo Xiong *, Zi-qian Pan, Xiao-feng Xiao, Hua-jun Huang #, Fa-ying Lai, Jia-xin Wang, Shuai-wei Chen. Study on the hydrothermal carbonization of swine manure: the effect of process parameters on the yield/properties of hydrochar and process water. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis (SCI 2020 IF=5.541), 2019, 144: 104692. 2019. 11

[3] Lijian Leng *, Jiaqi Zhang, Siyu Xu, Qin Xiong, Xinwei Xu, Jianan Li, Huajun Huang#. Meat & bone meal (MBM) incineration ash for phosphate removal from wastewater and afterward phosphorus recovery. Journal of Cleaner Production (SCI 2020 IF=9.297), 238, 117960. 2019.11

[4] 赖发英*, 杨婷, 潘紫倩, 黄华军#, 李凯, 杨唐仪, 常彦超, 肖晓峰. 城市污水处理厂污泥中重金属的健康风险识别. 江西农业大学学报, 2019, 41(2): 394-401. 2019.05

[5] Hua-jun Huang*, #, Yan-chao Chang, Fa-ying Lai, Chun-fei Zhou, Zi-qian Pan, Xiao-feng Xiao, Jia-xin Wang, Chun-huo Zhou #. Co-liquefaction of sewage sludge and rice straw/wood sawdust: the effect of process parameters on the yields/properties of bio-oil and biochar products. Energy(SCI 2020 IF=7.147), 2019, 173: 140-150. 2019.04

[6] Lijian Leng*, Jie Chen, Songqi Leng, Wenyan Li, Huajun Huang#, Hui Li#, Xingzhong Yuan, Jun Li, Wenguang Zhou#, Surfactant assisted upgrading fuel properties of waste cooking oil biodiesel, Journal of Cleaner Production (SCI SCI 2020 IF=9.297), 2019, 210: 1376-1384. 2019.02

[7] 杨婷*, 肖远东, 黄华军#, 赖发英, 常彦超, 潘紫倩, 肖晓峰. 污泥中重金属污染程度和生态风险评估优化. 环境科学与技术, 2019, 42(2): 202~209. 2019.02

[8] Lijian Leng *, Huajun Huang#, Hui Li, Wenguang Zhou #. Biochar stability assessment methods: A review. Science of The Total Environment (SCI 2020 IF=7.963), 2019, 647, 210-222. 2019. 01 高被引及热点论文


[1] Lijian Leng *, Huajun Huang#. An overview of the effect of pyrolysis process parameters on biochar stability. Bioresource Technology (SCI 2020 IF=9.642), 2018, 270, 627-642. 2018.12 高被引论文

[2] Zi-qian Pan *, Hua-jun Huang #, Chun-fei Zhou, Xiao-feng Xiao, Xiao-wu He, Fa-ying Lai #, Jiang-bo Xiong. Highly efficient conversion of camphor tree sawdust into bio-oil and biochar products by liquefaction in ethanol-water cosolvent.Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis(SCI 2020 IF=5.541), 2018, 136: 186-198. 2018. 11

[3] Lijian Leng *, Hui Li, Xingzhong Yuan, Wenguang Zhou #, Huajun Huang#. Bio-oil upgrading by emulsification/microemulsification: A review. Energy(SCI 2020 IF=7.147), 2018, 161: 214-232. 2018. 10.

[4] Fa-ying Lai *, Yan-chao Chang, Hua-jun Huang#, Guo-qiang Wu #, Jiang-bo Xiong, Zi-qian Pan, Chun-fei Zhou. Liquefaction of sewage sludge in ethanol-water mixed solvents for bio-oil and biochar products. Energy(SCI 2020 IF=7.147), 2018, 148: 629-641. 2018. 04


[1] Ting Yang *, Hua-jun Huang #, Fa-ying Lai. Pollution hazards of heavy metals in sewage sludge from four wastewater treatment plants in Nanchang, China. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China (SCI 2020 IF=2.917), 2017, 27, 2249-2259. 2017. 10 入选该期刊2020年度优秀论文(二等奖)

[2] Hua-jun Huang *, #, Ting Yang, Fa-ying Lai, et al. Co-pyrolysis of sewage sludge and sawdust/rice straw for the production of biochar. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis(SCI 2020 IF=5.541), 2017, 125: 61~68. 2017. 05

[3] Hua-jun Huang *, #, Xing-zhong Yuan, Guo-qiang Wu. Liquefaction of Biomass for Bio-oil Products. Waste Biomass Management - A Holistic Approach, edited by Lakhveer Singh and Vipin Chandra Kalia, Springer International Publishing, 2017, 231-250. 2017.0311


[1] Hua-jun Huang *, #, Xing-zhong Yuan. The migration and transformation behaviors of heavy metals during the hydrothermal treatment of sewage sludge. Bioresource Technology (SCI 2020 IF=9.642), 2016, 200: 991~998. SCI 1 2016. 01 高被引论文


[8] Hua-jun Huang *, #, Xing-zhong Yuan. Recent progress in the direct liquefaction of typical biomass. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science(SCI 2019 IF=29.394), 2015, 49: 59~80. 2015.08 高被引论文


[1] Hua-jun Huang *, #, Xing-zhong Yuan, Bao-tong Li, Yuan-dong Xiao, Guang-ming Zeng. Thermochemical liquefaction characteristics of sewage sludge in different organic solvents. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis(SCI 2020 IF=5.541), 2014, 109: 176~184. 2014.09


[1] Hua-jun Huang *, Xing-zhong Yuan #, Guang-ming Zeng, et al. Thermochemical liquefaction of rice husk for bio-oil production with sub- and super-critical ethanol as solvent. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis(SCI 2020 IF=5.541), 2013, 102: 60~67. 2013.07

[2] Hua-jun Huang *, Xing-zhong Yuan #, Hui-na Zhu, et al. Comparative studies of thermochemical liquefaction characteristics of microalgae, lignocellulosic biomass and sewage sludge. Energy(SCI 2020 IF=7.147), 2013, 56: 52~60. 2013.07

[3] Huajun Huang *, Xingzhong Yuan #, Guangming Zeng, et al. Quantitative evaluation of heavy metals’ pollution hazards in liquefaction residues of sewage sludge. Bioresource Technology (SCI 2020 IF=9.642), 2011, 102(22): 10346~10351. 2011.11

[4] Xingzhong Yuan *, #, Huajun Huang, Guangming Zeng, et al. Total concentrations and chemical speciation of heavy metals in liquefaction residues of sewage sludge. Bioresource Technology (SCI 2020 IF=9.642), 2011, 102(5): 4104~4110. 2011.03 (导师为第一作者)

[5] Huajun Huang *, Xingzhong Yuan #, Guangming Zeng, et al. Thermochemical liquefaction characteristics of microalgae in sub- and supercritical ethanol. Fuel Processing Technology (SCI 2019 IF=4.982), 2011, 92 (1): 147~153. 2011.01

[6] 黄华军*, 袁兴中#, 曾光明, . 污水厂污泥在亚/超临界丙酮中的液化行为. 中国环境科学, 2010, 30(2): 197~203. EI 2010.02


[1] 赖发英, 熊江波, 周健, 黄华军, 方汉孙. 一种养殖废水的处理方法及产物. 专利号: ZL 201810369109.0 授权日:2019426

[2] 黄瑾辉, 周春飞, 曾光明, 李雪, 罗芳, 牛菁,黄华军.表面活性剂强化超滤处理含亚甲基蓝废水的方法.专利号: ZL 200910309427.9

[3] 袁兴中, 钟华, 黄华军, 欧阳建新, 刘卫, 钟仁华, 曾光明. 污泥堆肥处理用发酵装置及其处理方法. 专利号: ZL 201210062746.6

[4] 袁兴中, 彭馨, 黄华军, 郭灵芝, 曾光明. 反胶束萃取纯化木质素过氧化物酶的方法. 专利号: ZL 2012 1 0058193.7


[1] 喻成龙, 黄华军, 周春火. 基于产教融合的农业院校环境专业应用型拔尖人才培养模式的探讨. 教育教学论坛, 2020, 46: 105-107.

[2] 何晋保, 方汉孙, 黄华军, 章诗捷*. 关于国内高校化学实验室安全管理的几点思考。新农科建设中的人才培养模式探索与实践(论文集). 江西科学技术出版社, 2021: 726-730.


[1] 奖励项目名称:“三融合+实践”培养环境科学与工程复合型人才的探索与实践。奖励等级:江西农业大学校级教学成果二等奖(2018年)。成果完成人:黄华军、方汉孙、肖远东、罗运阔、李保同。


[1] 黄雅男,环科1101,南昌市污水处理厂污泥中重金属的环境风险评价。2015年校级优秀本科毕业论文

[2] 罗佳宸,环科1201,污泥厂污泥热解制备生物炭研究。2016年校级优秀本科毕业论文

[3] 潘紫倩,17级环境科学硕士研究生,获评2020年校级优秀毕业研究生

[4] 王佳欣,19级农业资源与环境硕士研究生,获评2020年国家奖学金
